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Скрипты, шаблоны, софт для популярных CMS. Программы для PC

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script Joomla system tool (jsys)

АвторАвтор: Marques | ДатаДата: 13.11.2010, 19:56 | Раздел: Скрипты, хаки, плагины для Joomla

[script] Joomla system tool (jsys)
Часто, при удалении файлов Джумлы, возникает проблема - они не удаляются!
Данный небольшой скрипт позволяет удалять неудаляемые папки.
Размер:(43,28 Kb)
Инфа на английском:
[code]This script has next features:

1) Archiving, dearchiving and adding to the archive any files;
2) Easy minimal filemanager, which solves everyday tasks such as deleting, moving, copying files, a change of permissons to files and directories;
3) If you forget / lose your password to Joomla, you can quickly change your password (for Super-Administrator only)
4) Similarly, it is possible to download remote files on your host (only through the curl);
5) It is possible to view the configuration of php hosting;
6) The file manager allows you to view images beyond of www-dir and view a listing of individual archives;
7)Small size

It might be useful when you do not want to copy on ftp several megabytes distribution Joomla, but upload the one zip archive and extract it directly on the host. You can make backup of files, simply joining all of this in a single archive (you can not join all files, you can make sevaral archives of each file group, it all depends on the settings of your service, and if you do not have enough memory or time for the archiving of whole www-dir). The script could change the permisions recursively (chmod) on files and directories, and the permisions to them you can setup separately.

To ensure safety (and one should understand that such tools are used only for one-time and if it will be at host all time – it’s a problem for your sit security) by default to access all to script you must enter password. The password is stored in $JSYS_PASSWORD variable (at the beginning of the file). If for any reason you want to disable the password, you need assign $JSYS_ENABLE_AUTH variable the value 0. The default password is ‘joom.ru’. Before uploading you must change this password.

Script must be uploaded to directory where is Joomla installed.[/code]

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Joomla, script, System, (jsys), tool
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